Client Background

Emily, a 29-year-old elementary school teacher, engaged in therapy to address severe emotional distress stemming from childhood trauma. Diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), she reported that her stepfather had sexually abused her during her early adolescence. The situation was exacerbated when her mother did not believe her upon disclosure, leading to additional feelings of betrayal and isolation.

Treatment Phases

History Taking and Assessment

Therapy began with a comprehensive exploration of Emily’s traumatic history and the symptoms that motivated her to seek help. Her therapeutic goals centered on overcoming her deep feelings of worthlessness and fostering healthier interpersonal relationships.


Emily’s therapist introduced coping mechanisms such as deep breathing and visualization techniques, which were designed to help her manage potential emotional upheavals during therapy. This phase ensured that Emily felt secure and supported as she embarked on the therapeutic process.

Assessment and Targeting

Emily and her therapist identified a specific traumatic event involving her stepfather for a detailed examination. The associated negative belief, “I am worthless,” was linked to profound shame and sadness, with physical symptoms like chest tightness and nausea.

Desensitization and Reprocessing

During this critical phase, Emily concentrated on the identified memory while the therapist facilitated bilateral stimulation, predominantly through guided eye movements. These sessions, though intensely emotional, gradually reduced the distress associated with the memory.


Following significant desensitization, the therapist helped Emily cultivate a new, empowering belief: “I am valuable and deserving of trust.” This belief directly countered the feelings of worthlessness and rejection reinforced by her mother’s disbelief.


The therapy included regular reviews of Emily’s progress, noting reductions in PTSD symptoms like flashbacks and emotional numbing and improvements in her ability to trust and feel secure within relationships.

Client’s Experience

Throughout the EMDR sessions, Emily revisited distressing memories of her abuse. Initially, these sessions evoked strong feelings of shame and guilt, but as therapy progressed, these emotions became less overpowering. The physical symptoms of tightness and nausea also substantially decreased.


By the end of her treatment, Emily reported significant improvements in her mental health. She successfully met her therapy goals, which included a notable decrease in PTSD symptoms and a renewed sense of self-worth. Emily also experienced enhanced emotional resilience and a greater capacity to engage in trusting relationships. She expressed a newfound hope and empowerment, essential for her daily life and professional responsibilities.


This case study of Emily illustrates the effectiveness of EMDR in treating complex trauma associated with childhood sexual abuse and subsequent emotional neglect by a primary caregiver. Through focused therapy and the reprocessing of traumatic memories, EMDR facilitated Emily’s emotional recovery, enabling her to overcome her past and rebuild her self-esteem and trust in others. While specific details are generalized for privacy, the case reflects the potential of EMDR to transform lives affected by severe trauma.